
High school student, aspiring computer scientist.

Email: stimsina@pm.me

Discord: 05st#7108


Authored Posts

CCC 2021 Senior Solutions

Published Sat Sep 10 2022

Solutions for all senior problems in the 2021 Canadian Computing Competition.

Algorithms, CCC, Data Structures

How to make a simple calculator app in Haskell. Learn Haskell by writing practical applications.

Computer Science, Haskell, Programming

How to write monadic parser combinators in Haskell.

Haskell, Programming

CCC 2010 Senior Solutions

Published Thu Feb 10 2022

Solutions for problems S1 to S4 in the 2010 Canadian Computing Competition.

Algorithms, CCC, Data Structures

Functional programming provides the solutions to many problems found in software engineering today. Lots of languages are already becoming heavily influenced by functional programming and the research in those areas. If you're not sure if you should learn a functional programming language, here are many reasons why.


Second part to the tutorial on implementing a Hindley-Milner type system. In this part, we go over substitution, unification, and a few other things. Afterwards, we complete our implementation in Haskell.

Computer Science, Haskell, Programming, Type Theory

First part of a tutorial on implementing a Hindley-Milner type system for a simple, purely functional programming language in Haskell. We go over syntax representation, how the Hindley-Milner type system is defined, polymorphism vs. monomorphism, generalization, and instantiation.

Computer Science, Haskell, Programming, Type Theory

Addressing questions commonly asked by new programmers related to type systems.

Computer Science, Programming, Type Theory

Monads by Example

Published Mon Jul 19 2021

Explaining monads the way I wish they were explained to me, though examples and some practical applications.

Computer Science, Haskell, Programming

Blog Introduction

Published Sun Jul 18 2021

Short welcome message for this blog.
